I believe everyone has his/her own targets in life, so do I. Saya sentiasa merancang, sedari kecil saya sentiasa berimaginasi apa yang saya nak buat or achieve dalam 5-10 tahun akan datang. Dalam saya merancang, kadang-kadang saya lupa bahawa Allah jua 'merancang' takdir saya. And indeed, He is the best Planner.
Last month, I quit my stable job. I earned quite a good money from there, but for some reasons I need to quit with no choices. However, Alhamdulillah, just the day after, saya terima panggilan yang mana saya ditawarkan kerja, tetapi berstatus kontrak. Still, no harm to try, isn't? Bersandarkan keyakinan bahawa rezeki ada di mana-mana dan Allah pasti tolong asalkan kita berusaha, saya tekad.. My mother always told me, "Don't worry, Allah has a plan for you, just go with the flow, InsyaAllah"... At this point of time, to be honest, I'm being soooo sensitive, especially those who think that I'm jobless while I'm not. Sedih dengan orang-orang ini, Tuhan saja yang tahu. :( :( :(
Selang dua minggu kemudian, saya menghadiri temuduga oleh sebuah syarikat terkemuka di Malaysia (public listed company). First, the interview session is actually completely different with what I thought. Surprisingly, saya perlu menduduki peperiksaan (writing test) first sebelum dibenarkan berjumpa panel temuduga. And the worst part is the question itself. I totally lost. Soalan berkenaan ekonomi, "How current economy affect corporate sectors?" dan diberi masa 30 minit untuk menjawab. Ok, I keep telling myself, "Sharifah, you're a Law graduate, you may not have any basic in economy but you can 'convince it' with your words".. Jujurnya, saya kurang yakin dengan jawapan saya, tapi hantar tetap kena hantar. Kemudian, saya menunggu di ruang menunggu. Kelihatan calon-calon lain nampak lebih berpengalaman, semua umur lingkungan 30-an. Bertambah cuak. Dalam hati hanya bertawakal, kalau dalam masa 15 minit nama tidak dipanggil, itu maksudnya boleh balik. huhu
Kemudian terdengar nama saya dipanggil, Alhmdulillah pass satu bab. **now, I'm thankful being a Law graduate, haha...
There were another two sessions of interview; two-to-one interview and one-to-one interview. I cannot tell much on these, it's quite confidential. But what I want to share is, Alhamdulillah I passed all the three sessions!! And surprisingly, they offered me a higher position. Saya apply untuk eksekutif tetapi selepas berbincang dan consider beberapa pengalaman lepas, mereka setuju menawarkan jawatan manager untuk saya (of course with training first).
Dan saya terima panggilan minggu lepas, confirming that matters and the place I should report to. It's still in here, I'm to be in charge of northern region. I called my husband. I tell you what, even though I've been living in overseas for quite some time, I'm very conservative person, sangat tradisional. Redha suami sangat penting buat saya kerana syurga saya kini terletak pada redha-nya. Masih saya ingat jawapannya, "B redha n b izinkan". Tak semena-mena tumpah airmata kegembiraan saya. Allah, I'm too happy.. Moga dengan keizinan ini mampu menutup mulut-mulut mereka yang dah guriskan hati dan perasaan saya selama beberapa minggu saya bekerja yang berstatus kontrak ini. Marah saya tidak berpanjangan, insyaAllah..
Yes, what my Mom said is true, Allah has a plan for me. And it is much much much better than what I plan. To my hubby, thank you for being by my side in whatever situation, being very supportive husband, good friend and good listener, I cannot tell you how much I love you. To my family, thank you for being so supportive and good advisor to me. "Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan" (Ar-Rahman)
Doakan saya berjaya menempuh kerjaya baru. Masih di bidang undang-undang, cuma environment should be completely different..
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